Experience the highest quality with our CBD flowers at Liebermann Hanf Industries....
CBG9 – The revolution in the cannabidiol world
Discover a new dimension of well-being with CBG9 at Liebermann Industries. Our...
Discover our diverse range of hemp products. We offer high-quality oils, tinctures,...
Welcome to Liebermann Hanf Industries – your specialist for high-quality CBD and...

Unser Shop in
Ihr Fachgeschäft für hochwertige Hanfprodukte in Nagold. Besuchen Sie uns in der Freudenstädter Str. 10, 72202 Nagold, und entdecken Sie unser exklusives Sortiment. Qualität, Natürlichkeit und Fachberatung – alles an einem Ort.

Unser Shop in
Nachhaltige Hanfprodukte direkt in Böblingen! Ob Öle, Blüten oder Kosmetik – bei uns finden Sie beste Qualität und individuelle Beratung. Sie finden uns in der Schafgasse 8, 71032 Böblingen. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!

Unser Shop in
Ihr Spezialist für Hanfprodukte in Freudenstadt! Hochwertige Auswahl, kompetente Beratung und natürliche Produkte erwarten Sie bei uns in der Straßburger Str. 7/1, 72250 Freudenstadt. Kommen Sie vorbei!


CBG9 – The revolution in the cannabidiol world
Discover a new dimension of well-being with CBG9 at Liebermann Industries. Our...

Discover our diverse range of hemp products. We offer high-quality oils, tinctures,...

Can I drive after using CBD?
CBD is not an addictive or narcotic substance and driving on the roads is therefore not prohibited. However, you should of course not drive if you feel tired, dizzy or dizzy. It is important to know that the tests used by the police during traffic stops not only test for the psychoactive THC, but also for all cannabinoids such as CBD. Therefore, users of CBD products should avoid rapid tests carried out on site during a traffic stop and instead insist on a blood test. This is much more precise and also differentiates between the different cannabinoids, which means it can accurately show that no products containing THC have been used.
Is a CBD strain indica or sativa?
CBD flowers are always sativa genetics, which are listed in the EU variety catalog for industrial hemp. Some of these genetics are exclusive to Hanf im Glück.
Is it legal to order CBD flowers?
Yes, it is legal to buy or order CBD flowers in Germany. According to the decision of the Federal Court of Justice, these fall under the exemption from the Narcotics Act if they were produced from seeds with EU certification and have less than 0.2% THC content.
Can CBD flower be smoked?
We are often asked the question of whether you can smoke CBD flowers. We definitely advise against this. CBD flowers are officially intended as a cosmetic raw material and are not intended for consumption, ingestion or smoking.
Can you be prescribed CBD flowers?
For very serious illnesses, such as cancer, it is also possible in Germany to have cannabis products prescribed to treat or at least alleviate the symptoms. However, most of these drugs are THC-containing drugs, which are not marketable in Germany except for this special case. So far there is only one single prescription drug in Germany (Sativex) that also uses CBD as an active ingredient. Since other countries are already a little further along in this area, we can only hope that CBD-based medications will soon be available in Germany too.
How does CBD affect the body?
CBD acts on the endocannabinoid system in the body, which is responsible for maintaining balance (homeostasis) in various functions.
Does CBD have psychoactive effects?
No, CBD is not psychoactive and does not cause any “high” effects. This is THC, another cannabinoid responsible for psychoactive effects.
Can CBD be used with medication?
Before using CBD with medication, it is recommended to consult a doctor as it may affect the metabolism of certain medications.
What advantages does HHC have compared to CBD?
HHC (Delta-8-Tetrahydrocannabinol) can provide similar benefits to THC, but with less intense psychoactive effects, making it popular among users who want a mild “high” effect.
- Wichtig -
Diese Website bietet keine medizinische Beratung an. Vor dem Verzehr von Lebensmitteln oder dem Versuch, gesundheitliche Probleme auf natürliche Weise zu behandeln, sollte immer medizinischer Rat eingeholt werden. Diese Website gibt keine rechtliche Beratung. Alle örtlichen, staatlichen und föderalen Gesetze bezüglich der Verwendung von Produkten, die THC/CBD enthalten, sollten beachtet werden.